Moving forward: think, reflect, play...

This blog is a continuation of Stepping back, looking forward: A year to think, reflect and play... More than anything, my sabbatical leave taught me that I need to take the time *daily* to look forward...even in the midst of a hectic work schedule. And the library staff needs to do the same...think, reflect, play... Formerly Stepping back, looking forward


Wikis Seminar with Meredith Farkas (SIRSI/Dynix online seminar)

Sirsi Dynix online semiar on Wikis presented by Meredith Farkas.
The presentation is archived at

Marilyn provides a great introduction to wikis: ease of editing, differences between blogs and wikis, potential problems and issues with spammers, potential uses (community wiki, educational use/courseware, staff collaboration, installation issues, etc.)

She suggested one I am playing with for a Library Tech program wiki glossary:
PBWIKI is free)

EDITME (fee based) thtp://

Mediawiki(good looking, cascading style sheets)

She suggests using one that has a conversation feature threaded comments (available on some but nice!), spamming software (blacklisting or a plug-in) protection, good documentation and a forum for a discussion, permission setting, recent changes and RSS feeds, version conrol (reversing content if hit by spammers),

Referred to for more information on selection of specific wiki software.

Excellent introductory seminar (thanks to SIRSI it is free!)
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