Moving forward: think, reflect, play...

This blog is a continuation of Stepping back, looking forward: A year to think, reflect and play... More than anything, my sabbatical leave taught me that I need to take the time *daily* to look forward...even in the midst of a hectic work schedule. And the library staff needs to do the same...think, reflect, play... Formerly Stepping back, looking forward


Bloggers: A Portrait of the Internet's New Storytellers

Online journals (also called weblogs or blogs) are changing traditional publishing and communication in the world. It is easy, fun and appealing...and most bloggers use it to describe their personal experiences. The infusion of RSS feeds allows users the ability to have their information delivered automatically to their desktops where they opt to read or not.

Pew Internet and American Life Project ( conducted a national phone survey of bloggers and found the following results...
Source: Lenhart, Amanda and Susannah Fox. Bloggers. Washington, DC: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2006

Bloggers: Summary of Findings at a Glance
Blogging is bringing new voices to the online world.

Telephone surveys capture the most accurate snapshot possible of a small and moving target.

Contrary to the impression created by the press attention on political blogging, just 11% of bloggers say they focus mainly on government or politics.

The blogging population is young, evenly split between women and men, and racially diverse.

Relatively small groups of bloggers view blogging as a public endeavor.

The main reasons for keeping a blog are creative expression and sharing personal experiences.

Only one-third of bloggers see blogging as a form of journalism. Yet many check facts and cite original sources.

Bloggers are avid consumers and creators of online content. They are also heavy users of the internet in general.

Bloggers are major consumers of political news and about half prefer sources without a particular political viewpoint.

Bloggers often utilize community and readership-enhancing features available on their blogs.

For more detailed information on the findings, go to the report:


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